Contacted for Unpaid Credit Card Debt? Call our NYC Defense Lawyer

If you have been contacted for unpaid credit card debt by a collection agency, there are many things you can do – or avoid doing – to help your case.

  1. Do not admit the debt.Instead, ask the collection agency to send you full proof of the account, the charges with interest, all payments, and the balance claimed as due.
  2. Do not disclose valuable assets the collection agency could try to seize.You are under no obligation to disclose your income or valuable property merely because you have been contacted for unpaid credit card debt.
  3. Assert your right to stop harassing phone calls and text messages.If the calls for unpaid debt continue, you may be entitled to receive a statutory penalty from the collection agency up to $1,000.
  4. Assert your right to receive the name and address of the original creditor on the account.A lot of unpaid credit card debts have been taken over by debt buyer companies that do not have valid ownership of the account. Accordingly, you may not be legally required to pay the alleged debt at all.

If you need more help when contacted for unpaid credit card debt, call our Brooklyn & Queens NYC defense lawyer for a free consultation.

Defense of Consumers Contacted for Unpaid Credit Card Debt

We are experienced if fighting all the major collection agencies and attorneys in New York City. In addition to demanding full proof of debts, our defense attorneys regularly file motions and lawsuits to dismiss invalid debts once and for all.

When an unlawful wage garnishment is served on your employer, let us turn the tables on the collection agency by vacating the garnishment and requiring the collection agency to pay your legal fee as a penalty.

Whomever decided that you should be contacted for unpaid credit card debt will regret it.

Call us to begin your debt defense today.