Are MRC Receivables debt collectors contacting you?
MRC is a debt buyer company that was formed as a Delaware Corporation, and is registered with the New York Department of State to conduct business operations in New York. The date of MRC’s initial registration in New York is January 30, 2008. If the debt MRC Receivables is attempting to collect from you dates back prior to that time, you may have an additional defense to the collection.
Contact our MRC Receivables debt settlement lawyers today.
Call or Text: (212) 221-9892
MRC’s Chief Executive Officer is Kenneth A. Vecchione, with an office address of:
3111 Camino Del Rio North
Suite 1300
San Diego, CA 92108
This location also serves as MRC’s principal executive office.
MRC Receivables Debt Settlement Lawyers
If MRC Receivables debt collectors violate your rights in the debt collection process, you may need to file a lawsuit against them to collect the statutory payment you are entitled to of up to $1,000. Our MRC Receivables debt settlement lawyers represent consumers throughout the New York courts.
If you chose to serve your lawsuit upon MRC via delivery to the New York Department of State, the agent and address designated by MRC to receive services is:
Corporation Service Company
80 State Street
Albany, NY 12207-2543
MRC is a subsidiary of Midland Portfolio Services Inc. Their business office is located at:
8875 Aero Drive
Suite 200
San Diego, CA 92123
Additional MRC Receivables Debt Settlement Information
MRC is frequently represented in court by debt collection law firm Selip & Stylianou LLP, f/k/a Cohen & Slamowitz LLP.
If you have been served with an MRC Summons or Garnishment, contact our debt relief law firm for a free case review.
Contact our MRC Receivables debt settlement lawyers for a free case evaluation.