JH Portfolio Debt Equities LLC [1] serves legal summonses to force consumers to payoff old debts. Often times when a consumer receives a legal notice from JH Portfolio Debt Equities, they disregard it because they are not familiar with this company. This is a dangerous decision because the justice process enables this bill collector to prosecute its lawsuit whether you chose to defend yourself or not.
JH Portfolio’s lawyers are Stephen Einstein & Associates PC [2]. You don’t need a briefcase or a law degree to respond to them in court and prevent a collection judgment from being entered against you on default.
At the time this debt acquisition company purchases your account from the original creditor, it’s portfolio managers know they are entering into a transaction with consumers plagued by financial hardship. JH Portfolio does not expect every debtor to repay all credit card accounts in full. In fact, both JH and the lawyers at Stephen Einstein & Assoc. know that many open accounts on their books will never be paid at all.
Therefore, when taking the pro-active step of answering a debt collection summons in court, you don’t need to worry that you will be expected to pay a settlement. Since JH Portfolio Debt Equities is not the original creditor on the account, Stephen Einstein law firm will have a difficult time proving you are liable for their claim. New York’s civil court judges have seen all types of bad-debt collection cases, and have the authority to dismiss a meritless lawsuit filed against you. What’s more, the judge may order the debt collectors to pay any legal fees you incur by defending yourself in court.
If you have received a Summons from JH Portfolio Debt Equities LLC, or any debt collection letters from Stephen Einstein & Associates PC, call us for free advice on how best to respond.
[1] NY Dept. of State ID # 3814225
[2] Located at 20 Vesey Street, Suite 1406, NYC